Author: webmaster

THiS team

The Tolworth Hook & Surbiton Team Ministry consists of St Matthew’s Surbiton, St George’s Tolworth and St Paul’s Hook. The individual churches can be contacted via their websites: St Matthew’s St George’s

Children’s Group on Sundays

For the moment, we are welcoming children that are 7 years old and younger (pre-school and school years Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) to our Children’s Group in the Mary Wise Room. Sessions will run every Sunday at the 10am service, apart from the first Sunday of every monthRead More

Join a team

We’d love to get to know you and that will happen in time. But would you like to help us and get to know other people by serving on a team? Here are some ways you could take part. If you would like to know more about any of these,Read More

Inclusive church

We believe in inclusive Church – church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks toRead More

Donate to St Paul’s

You can make a donation to St Paul’s by clicking here or by using the QR code below. You can also donate using the card reader on the welcome table in church, or by placing a gift in the collection plate. 

Christmas 2024

Sunday 15th December 6.30pm COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE Sunday 22nd December 10am COMMUNION SERVICE Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve) 3.30pm CHILDREN’S CRIB AND CHRISTINGLE SERVICE Children, please come dressed in Nativity costumes (in aid of The Children’s Society) 11.15pm FIRST COMMUNION OF CHRISTMAS Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day) 10am FAMILY COMMUNIONRead More


St Paul’s is a lively and welcoming Church in the open evangelical tradition of the Church of England. We provide a variety of worship services that enable people of all ages and traditions to learn more about God and to worship him. We are part of the Tolworth, Hook andRead More


Everyone is welcome to join us for services on Sundays and Thursdays. We enjoy each other’s company and after each 10am service we chat over refreshments in the Mary Wise Room. Some of our Sunday services are streamed on our YouTube channel. Sundays Please note that, while we are withoutRead More

Contact us

We would love to hear from you. Contact us to ask about our services, to arrange a life event or if you have a pastoral or spiritual need. St Paul’s Church, Hook 280 Hook Road, Hook, Chessington KT9 1PF Vicar Vacancy Parish Office The Parish Office is open during termRead More